Assistant Professor of Cell Biology and Physiology

Q: One weird fact about me is...
A: I don't like root beer.
Q: My favorite book about the brain is...
A: Brain on Fire: My Month of Madness by Susannah Cahalan.
Q: The coolest thing my lab has done is...
A: Activate the ear of larval zebrafish by light and visualize the responding neurons in the midbrain.
Q: When I am not teaching awesome Neuroscience classes I like to...
A: Trail run or road cycle.
Q: What is exciting in your work right now?
A: We are trying to visualize and study neurons that integrate visual and auditory stimuli.
Q: My favorite "fun fact" about the brain is...
A: To generate about 100 billion neurons in a newborn’s brain, the brain is thought to grow at a rate of 250,000 neurons/minute during gestation.