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Brock Kirwan, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Psychology

Q: If I had to describe Neuroscience in one word it would be...

A: Nerdy.

Q: My favorite fun fact about the brain is...

A: There are as many neurons in your head as there are stars in the Milky Way Galaxy.

Q: My favorite book about the brain is...

A: The Cognitive Neuroscience of Memory by Howard Eichenbaum (Yes, it's a textbook. Yes, I am a nerd).

Q: The coolest thing my lab has done is...

A: Scan over 1000 subjects at the BYU MRI facility.

Q: What is exiting in your work right now?

A: My students are finishing up some exciting studies on how the brain forms specific memories for information such as the duration of events and whether the congruency of the surrounding context affects memory specificity.

Q: When I am not teaching awesome Neuroscience classes I like to...

A: ...sharpen basal-ganglia-dependent motor representations by practicing my guitar and skiing.