Professor of Psychology

Q: What is your area of research?
A: The impact of social relationships on physical health, and biological mechanisms.
Q: What is exciting in your work right now?
A: I am working with the National Academy of Sciences on a Consensus Committee report that will hopefully help shape medical practice and policy in the US.
Q: When I am not teaching awesome Neuroscience classes I like to...
A: be outside! In the winter I like to ski, when it is warmer I like to hike, and when I'm outside of Utah I like to snorkel.
Q: One interesting fact about me is...
A: I was rejected the first time I applied to BYU as a student!
Q: The coolest thing my lab has done is...
A: establish social isolation and loneliness as independent risk factors for mortality.
Q: My favorite book about the brain is...
A: Social: Why Our Brains Are Wired to Connect by Matthew Lieberman.