Internship Learning Funds Skip to main content

Internship Experiential Learning

Need-based funding is available to help students achieve their academic goals through experiences outside BYU needed for graduation including research internships or teaching internships (Note: See the LS college for other options for internship funding). These funds are reserved for neuroscience majors who would not be able to have these academic experiences without financial support. Also, note for funding of internal BYU mentored research you should check with your mentor for potential available options.

Eligibility Criteria

  1. Eligible students must be majoring in Neuroscience.
  2. Eligible students need to first contact the Internship coordinator, Dr. Mike Brown ( to begin the process of setting up an internship.
  3. Once that is complete and approved by BYU have Dr. Brown confirm it by email to the Neuroscience Director Dr. Edwards and ask for an application (   
  4. Priority will be given to students who would not otherwise be able to have the experience without financial support.
  5. The funding must be used for a research/teaching internship where you are registered for credit.
  6. Students may use the money as a grant to assist with any expenses related to the experience outlined in #5 above, i.e. living expenses, travel, tuition, etc.
  7. Students must either receive credit for the experience from their major department, be paid for research work directly with a mentor, or the department chair will need to endorse the experience as relevant for the student’s major or career (e.g., a study abroad or internship with an external agency not for credit). If the internship is external to BYU an internship application needs to be completed and register for internship credit per current university guidelines.
  8. Any experience that qualifies for credit by the student’s major department will be acceptable.

    1. Experiences with a partner external to the university for which the student will not receive credit must be certified by the department chair (director) as one in which the student will have significant responsibility, supervised closely by a designated representative of the experience provider.
  9. If the student is receiving credit for the experience, the faculty member grading the credit will provide oversight for the experience using the policies established by the major department. If the student is not receiving credit, the department chair is to assign a faculty member to communicate regularly with the student and receive any necessary reports to insure that the student is achieving his or her educational or career goals in the experience. If a student fails to submit these reports, the grant will be rescinded.