Assistant Professor, Communication Disorders

Q: My favorite superhero is...
A: My Mom
Q: One weird fact about me is...
A: I'm really interested in Bigfoot
Q: My favorite "fun fact" about the brain is...
A: The brain makes up a very small percentage of our total weight/mass but it consumes about 20% of our body's energy
Q: My area of research is...
A: Sensory processing and brain function in autism
Q: Something I am excited about in the scientific world is...
A: Increased interdisciplinary collaboration
Q: My go to restaurant in the area is...
A: Asado
Q: On tip for students is to...
A: Be curious, take risks, and follow your wonder. The rewards for your hard work in school should be more than the grades you get.
Q: When I am not teaching awesome Neuroscience classes I like to...
A: Fly fishing, making BBQ, playing with my wife and kids