Professor of Cell Biology and Physiology

Q: Where did you attend graduate school?
A: Colorado State University
Q: How long have you been teaching neuroscience?
A: I have taught neuroscience at BYU for 18 years.
Q: What is your favorite song?
A: O Divine Redeemer (It makes me tear up every time)
Q: My favorite “fun fact” about the brain is…
A: 70% of the energy used by the brain is used to fuel the Na+/K+ pump. It just blows my mind how expensive it is to run that important pump!
Q: What is one unique or fun fact about you?
A: I married my high school sweetheart after dating her in high school, going to college for a year and then serving a mission to Japan. We were married a short two months after I returned from Japan and have been inseparable ever since.
Q: What do you like most about teaching?
A: I enjoy making difficult concepts as clear as possible so everyone in class can understand and love what they are learning.
Q: What do you like to do in your spare time?
A: I love stargazing with my family and visiting Southern Utah in the springtime. Friday night dates with my wife are what I look forward to each week.