Assistant Professor of Psychology

Q: What is your area of research?
A: Cognitive Developmental Neuroscience.
Q: What is exciting in your work right now?
A: We have so many great projects going on that we hope will someday help children, and the undergrads at BYU are really fun to mentor.
Q: When I am not teaching awesome neuroscience classes I like to…
A: Hike, cycle… just be outside and moving.
Q: My favorite “fun fact” about the brain is…
A: The single most important thing you can do for your child’s brain is free: interact with them.
Q: The coolest thing my lab has done is…
A: Win a poster competition at Snowbird (Utah Society for Neuroscience).
Q: My favorite book about the brain is…
A: Your Child’s Growing Mind by Jane M. Healy.