Associate Professor of Psychology

Q: One weird fact about me is...
A: I used to evaluate players for the Phoenix Coyotes Ice Hockey team when they got concussions.
Q: My favorite book about the brain is...
A: The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat by Oliver Sacks
Q: What is exciting in your work right now?
A: All of the interesting things we are finding out about associations between infectious diseases and neurocognitive function. I also love teaching clinical neuropsychology because I get to talk about various conditions like dementia, epilepsy, traumatic brain injury, anoxia, and the list goes on.
Q: When I am not teaching awesome Neuroscience classes I like to...
A: Listen to Joe Satriani, read sci-fi, or hang out with my family.
Q: My favorite “fun fact” about the brain is...
A: Your brain is changing right now while you are reading this.
Q: I have been teaching Neuroscience classes for...
A: 2,678 days (more by the time you read this). If we count my time surpervising post-doctoral fellows in clinical neuropsychology then add 4,380 days.