Sterling Sudweeks. Ph.D. Skip to main content

Sterling Sudweeks. Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Cell Biology and Physiology

Q: My favorite book about the brain is...

A: Awakenings by Oliver Sacks

Q:What is exciting in your work right now?

A:We are discovering some new compounds that could act as drugs and affect cognition

Q: When I am not teaching awesome Neuroscience classes I like to...

A: Spend time with my family and do photography.

Q: My favorite "fun fact" about the brain is...

A: The average adult brain has over 100 trillion synapses (10^14).

Q: I have been teaching Neuroscience classes for...

A: 17 years.

Q: The coolest thing my lab has done is...

A: Identify mRNA expression from single neurons.

Q: My favorite superhero is...

A: My wife!