Steven Luke , Ph.D. Skip to main content

Steven Luke , Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Q: One fun or unique fact about me is...

A: I'm left handed, so I can't participate in most neuroscience studies.

Q: The coolest thing ma lab has done is...

A: We make extensive use of a special eye-tracker that fits in the MRI, so we can collect eye movements and brain scans simultaneously. I geek out every time!

Q: My favorite "fun fact" about the brain is...

A: I think it is amazing that the brains of literate people develop a region dedicated to recognizing written words. How does the brain know how to do that, when mass literacy has only existed for a century or two?

Q: What do you like to do in your spare time when you're not teaching?

A: I've taken up cooking - I find it relaxing after a day spent looking at screens and students.

Q: I have been teaching Neuroscience classes for...

A: 8 years.

Q: What is your area of research?

A: Cognitive neuroscience of vision, language, and especially reading.