Volume 2: 2010 Skip to main content

Volume 2: 2010

5Letter from the Editor
JD Wilcox
6The Cognitive Neuroscience of Memory: An Interview with Dr. Brock Kirwan
Andrew Hartshorn, Stephanie Sandoval
8The Role of Connexin-36 Gap Junctions in Alcohol Intoxication and Reward
Ryan S. McClellan, Katie D. Bradley, David W. Allison, D. Micah Hansen, Jeffrey D. Wilcox, Mandy Foote, Brian Hoyt, Jordan T. Yorgason, Scott C. Steffensen
12Biological and Adoptive Mother-Infant Relationships in Laboratory-Reared Rhesus Monkeys (Macaca mulatta) Across the First Six Months of Life: The Effects of Adoptive Mothers on Infants' Cortisol and ACTH Levels
B.B. Jones, B.S. Stringfellow, W.J. Dennis, T. Tate, M.L. Schwandt, S. G. Lindell, C.S. Barr, S.J. Suomi, J. Higley
19Homing Abilities in Dendrobates pumilio Poison Dart Frogs
Carrie Vail, Peter Lahanas
23Research Ethics Involving Schizophrenic Participants and Informed Consent
Alexander T. Miller
28The Misdiagnosis of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Corrective Recommendations
Spencer Cope, Zack Melton, Josh Nardone, Russell Stodtmeister
37ORCA Research Awards