5 | Letter from the Editor |
| JD Wilcox |
6 | The Cognitive Neuroscience of Memory: An Interview with Dr. Brock Kirwan |
| Andrew Hartshorn, Stephanie Sandoval |
8 | The Role of Connexin-36 Gap Junctions in Alcohol Intoxication and Reward |
| Ryan S. McClellan, Katie D. Bradley, David W. Allison, D. Micah Hansen, Jeffrey D. Wilcox, Mandy Foote, Brian Hoyt, Jordan T. Yorgason, Scott C. Steffensen |
12 | Biological and Adoptive Mother-Infant Relationships in Laboratory-Reared Rhesus Monkeys (Macaca mulatta) Across the First Six Months of Life: The Effects of Adoptive Mothers on Infants' Cortisol and ACTH Levels |
| B.B. Jones, B.S. Stringfellow, W.J. Dennis, T. Tate, M.L. Schwandt, S. G. Lindell, C.S. Barr, S.J. Suomi, J. Higley |
19 | Homing Abilities in Dendrobates pumilio Poison Dart Frogs |
| Carrie Vail, Peter Lahanas |
23 | Research Ethics Involving Schizophrenic Participants and Informed Consent |
| Alexander T. Miller |
28 | The Misdiagnosis of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Corrective Recommendations |
| Spencer Cope, Zack Melton, Josh Nardone, Russell Stodtmeister |
37 | ORCA Research Awards |